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TestedWeb uses a combination of Artificial Intelligence and community moderation to ensure the authenticity and quality of reviews. Reviews that are flagged by users for moderation or determined to be fake, malicious, and/or spam by our AI may be removed, or downvoted. However, since reviews are validated and stored on the blockchain, they are immutable. They will always remain accessible via the user's profile, and blockchain validation certificates can be downloaded for ALL reviews, including those marked as fake, malicious, or spam. This is in keeping with TestedWeb's commitment to content ownership rights and transparency.

TestedWeb uses multiple data points to verify the authenticity of a business listed on the platform, conducted by both our AI tools and physical verification. This includes geo-location verification, cross-referencing with public & business databases, and contact initiated by our Business Integrity teams.

We’ve made TestedWeb invitation-only so that every user on the platform is validated, and is vested in by the user that invites them. This is one of many steps we have taken towards building a platform where everyone can trust what they read.

To write a review on TestedWeb, you will first need to search for the business you want to review. Once you've found it, click on the "Write a review" button and fill in all the required fields. You can recommend or not recommend a business, and will then need to share your experience. Your review will be published instantly, and if it passes our AI validation as a real review, an AI-generated star rating will be attached to the review. All reviews need to be a minimum of 100 characters long.

All users have the option to download their reviews on TestedWeb, which include a Silent Notary validation that is built on the blockchain. Unlike other blockchain solutions, you do not require a crypto wallet, cryptocurrency, or token on Tested Web; we are a true use case of blockchain technology. Since all reviews are validated on the blockchain and therefore immutable, you will not be able to edit reviews 60 minutes after they are published.

Users can earn reward points by writing reviews for businesses, having their reviews upvoted, inviting other users to the platform using their invitation links, and participating in community activities like voting for awards. Users may also so be penalized reward points if their activities on the platform are deemed detrimental by our AI tools or the community. For e.g.; falsely flagging or reporting content is considered a detrimental activity that a user may be penalized for. Users are able to view all reward points-related activity on their profile dashboards.

Tested Web shares 25% of its revenues with users in the form of reward points distributed based on user activity on the platform. Rewards can be earned on the platform with direct or referral user activity as is illustrated by the following example: TestedWeb earn $1 million in revenue in Q1 and a total of 10 million reward points are earned by all users on the platform during that period. User A earns 6000 points during this period and 3 other users invited by A earn a cumulative total of 11,000 points. For Q1, user A would earn (($1M*0.25)/10M)*6000 = $150 from their direct activity on Tested Web and ($1M*.25/10M)*(11,000*.01) = $27.50 from their referrals’ activities on the platform for a total of $177.5 for the period.

Rewards can be redeemed on a quarterly basis, at the end of each quarter of the calendar year. If you've earned less than the minimum of $10 in reward points, your points are automatically transferred to the next quarter. Rewards points accumulating between $10 - $200 are paid in form of gift cards from listed businesses in your local area. Rewards over $200 can be redeemed as prepaid debit cards from leading providers.

Registered and logged in users are able to vote for locally nominated companies in different award categories. These awards recognize businesses for exceptional products and services, and contributions to the community. You must list your location in your TestedWeb profile to be able to vote for awards in your city or town.

Users can follow other users on TestedWeb. This allows them to see reviews and activities of users in with similar interests, or users that they trust. Also, using TestedWeb’s social-proofing algorithm, users are able to see businesses recommended and trusted by friends. All you need to do is search for a company or category/sub-category and filter the results by the "recommended by" field.

The platform uses a combination of community moderation and machine learning to ensure the quality of reviews. Reviews that are flagged by users or determined to be low-quality by our algorithms may be removed or downvoted. However, since reviews are validated and stored on the blockchain, they are immutable. They will always remain accessible via the user's profile, and blockchain validation certificates can be downloaded for ALL reviews, including those marked as fake, malicious, or spam. This is in keeping with TestedWeb's commitment to content ownership rights and transparency.

For 60 minutes from when a review is published, a user may delete a review. A review may also be reported by the writer to TestedWeb for deletion. However, due to the immutable nature of the blockchain, the review will only be removed from the front end of the platform, and will not be visible to other users. It will still be accessible via the writer’s profile and a record will exist on the blockchain.

TestedWeb is intended to be a safe and reliable community for everyone. Reviews and comments may be reported using the report button and following the prompts. Accurately reporting fraudulent and/dangerous content will generate additional reward points. However, reporting content that is not deemed to be so by our community will be penalized.

Pre-publishing, spam, fake and malicious content is moderated in real-time using AI behavior analysis. Once published content is analyzed for sentiment by our AI tools. All reported conent is hybridly moderated by our community, individuals and AI tools.

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